Tuesday, August 17, 2010

1- UP

140810- UAPGA General Membership Assembly

HOW CAN YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF THIS EXPERIENCE?- The thought, the other side of the story.

I remember way back in high school this line... "All of us are leaders in one way or another". And its true. We just have to find it. We have the opportunity to influence the lives of those who surrounds us. Most especially, we can learn from them, to make us better- best of whatever we are. Its our choice whether we take the venture or not.

Deal or No Deal?

"God uses preparation. What we've been doing is preparation for what we will be doing. As the film showed, Moses- born an Israelite, raised an Egyptian, reunited with his captive people- was uniquely qualified, through his life and preparation, to lead his people out of bondage. In the economy of God, there is no wasted time."- Steve Sjogren

Kim, ^^, Karren, Kuya Mark

UAPGA President Camille D. Chua presenst the Certificate to Chairman, PRBoA Armando N. Alli, fuap.aaif

UAPGA NBDs with Archt. Cerise Anne Mina
(fr left: Vinson, Camille, Angel, Archt. Mina, and *thinking hard*...)

Haha! CLICKED with the UAP logo at last though i want to have a shot alone, still its fine. At least I have na.
I met Shel (hoped I'm right *cross finger*) through Kuya Mark and Kim. I enjoyed our short chat and I learned one- two things from her.

"Nothing ventured. Nothing gained"
-Archt. Cerise Anne Mina

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